
by DeHa-Software GmbH, Daniel Hoffmann



LogoSort, our latest software for sound analysis, is all about assigning the target sound to the shown terms in the correct word position. The three parts of the donkey represent initial sound (front), initial sound (middle) and final sound (back).The displayed term is simply dragged to the appropriate position.The operation is so intuitive with drag and drop and touch that even 5-year-olds can play this game independently after a short introduction.The LogoSort app has a demo data set. You can add the desired target sound(s) through inexpensive in-app purchases.In the gallery you can exclude individual terms that you do not want to use in the game because, for example, the players vocabulary is not sufficient.You can find further information online on our website. There you will also find videos and other products such as our popular LogoWorx therapy workbooks and the LogoCards card games.We welcome feedback: requests for improvement and criticism are welcome!LogoSort runs on tablets and smartphones.Data protection declaration: https://www.deha-software.de/datenschutzerklarung